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Edited by E. G. Coffman, J. K. Lenstra, A. H. G Rinnoy Kan.

Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1992.

    v. ; 24 cm.

Serie: Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science

ISBN: 0444880976

Biblioteca posee: v. 3.


  • v. 3. Computer systems - past, present & future / Sips, Henk
  • Programming languages / Bal, H. E.
  • Grune, Dick, 1936-
  • Operating systems - the state of the art / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944-
  • Databases and detabases management / Vosse, Gottfried / Yeh, Raymond Tzuu-Yau, 1937- ... [et al.]
  • A survey of matrix computations / Van Loan, Charles F.
  • Fundamental algorithms and data structures / Leeuwen, Jan van, 1943-
  • Widmayer, Peter
  • Design (with analysis) of efficient algorithms / Gusfield, Dan
  • Computational complexity / Stockmeyer, Larry J.
  • Computer system models / Mitrani, I.
  • Mathematical programming systems / Tomlin, J. A.
  • Welch, J. S.
  • User interfaces / Jones, Chris V.
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