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Market evolution : competition and cooperation

edited by Arjen van Witteloostuijn.

Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, ©1995.

viii, 356 págs. : ilustraciones, maps ; 25 cm.

Serie: Studies in industrial organization ; v. 20

ISBN: 0792333500 (acid-free paper)

Algunos de los trabajos presentados en la Reunión anual de EARIE, Stuttgart, 1992.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.


  • The study of competition and cooperation / Witteloostuijn, Arjen van
  • On the nature of the firm / PItelis, Christos
  • The maximization assumption, profit maximization and not-for.profit hospitals / Deneffe, Dominique
  • Masson, R. T.
  • Should cooperative R&D be suvsidized? : an empirical analysis / Fölster, Stefan
  • Firm size and efficiency in R&D speding / Nooteboom, Bart
  • Vossen, R. W.
  • Commitment by delegation : what is "strategic" about strategic alliances? / Welzel, Peter
  • The principle of minimum differentiation revisited : cournot versus Bertrand / Al-Nowaihi, Ali
  • Norman, George, 1946-
  • Credit market structure and information-sharing mechanisms / Cayseele, Patrick van
  • Bouckaert, J. (Joseph)
  • Degryse, Hans
  • Product differentiation, market structure and exhange rate passthrough / Martin, Stephen
  • Phlips, Louis
  • Imperfect product competition and the capital-labor ratio of a unionized firm : some theory and evidence from Belgian manufacturing firms / Bughin, Jacques
  • Buyer-supplier bargaining and intra-industry competition / Dobson, Paul W.
  • Capacity as a commitment instrument in multi-market competition / Wegberg, Marc van
  • Extended rivalry and competitive advantage in the new small firm / Jacobsen, Lowell R.
  • Reid, Guin C.
  • Anderson, Margo E, 1969-
  • The post-entry performance of new firms / Audretsch, David B.
  • Mahmood, Talat
  • Profitability and number of firms : their dynamic interaction in dutch retailing / Carree, Martin Anthony
  • Thurik, A. R. (A. Roy)
  • Sunk costs and the dynamics of entry in portufuese manufacturing / Mata, José
  • Determinants of new firm formation in west german regions 1986-1989 : an empirical analysis / Fritsch, Michael
  • Problems of restructuring in eastern europa / Kantzenbach, Erhard
  • Principles of economic policy in the common market / Blum, Rainhard
  • Welzel, Peter
  • Output tradability and the regulation of a multinational firm / Mudambi, Ram, 1954-.
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