Búsqueda por número de registro: eeo002826

Macroeconomics and development : Roberto Frenkel and the economics of Latin America

edited by Mario Damill, Martín Rapetti and Guillermo Rozenwurcel.

xxviii, 409 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Serie: Initiative for policy dialogue

ISBN: 9780231175081 (cloth : alk. paper)

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índices.


  • An introduction to Roberto Frenkel´s contributions to the economic ideas in Latin America / Damill, Mario - Kampel, Daniel - Rozenwurcel, Guillermo
  • Markups under uncertaintry : variations on price decisions in high inflation / Heymann, Daniel - Roldán, Francisco
  • Financial fragility, price indexes, and investment financing / Dreizzen, Julio
  • Uncertainty in structural and institutional parameters and the cost of policy mistakes : a computable general equilibrium evaluation / Chisari, Omar - Ferro, Gustavo - Vila Martínez, Juan Pablo
  • Monetary policy and external shocks in a semidollarized economy / Dancourt, Oscar
  • The chilean economy since the global crisis / French-Davis, Ricardo - Heresi, Rodrigo
  • Disequilibria and risk premia : Argentina´s experience during the 2000s from a Latin American perspective / Cañonero, Gustavo enrique - Winograd, Carlos
  • Labor market and income distribution in Latin America in times of economic growth : advances and shortcomings / Maurizio, Roxana
  • Accounting for the rise and fall of Brazil´s growth after World war II / Bacha, Edmar Lisboa - Bonelli, Regis
  • Balance-of-payments dominance : implications for macroeconomic policy / Ocampo, José Antonio
  • The real exchange rate, the real wage, and growth : a formal analysis of the "development cannel" / Ros, Jaime
  • The real exchange rate and economic growth : some observations on the posible channels / Rapetti, Martín
  • Capitalism and financial crises : a long-term perspective / Solimano, Andrés
  • Financial crises, institutions, and the macroeconomy / Fanelli, José María
  • United States size distribution and the macroeconomy / Taylor, Lance ... [et al.]
  • Sovereign credit risk in Latin America and global common factors / Agosín, Manuel - Díaz-Maureira, Juan
  • Cognitive dissonance : postwar economic developmet strategies and bretton Woods international financial stability / Kregel, J. A.
  • New developmentalism as a weberian ideal type / Pereira, Luiz Carlos Bresser
Registro eeo002826 · Modificado: 26/05/2017

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